
2023-05-26 17:50:01投单

The hero Rat in League of Legends is a quick and agile character that is a master of assassination and mobility. He is immensely popular amongst players and has a unique playstyle. In this article, we will delve into some of the key aspects of playing as Rat and what you should know to play the character effectively.

Build and Runes

The ideal build for Rat should focus on attack speed and critical strike chance. He is not a tank and does not need to be built like one. Key items for Rat include Blade of the Ruined King, Infinity Edge, and Runaan's Hurricane. As for runes, the ideal choice is Press the Attack, which increases your damage dealt after attacking the same enemy three times.



Rat has four unique abilities that define his playstyle. His passive, Contaminate, poisons enemies, which can be useful in chasing and escaping. His Q, Blinding Dart, blinds enemies and deals damage. His W, Escape, lets him turn invisible and gain a speed boost. His ultimate ability, Spray and Pray, increases his attack range and damage output while shooting through enemies. It is important to master all of these abilities to maximize Rat's potential.



Rat's gameplay revolves around a hit-and-run playstyle. He is not meant to engage in team fights head-on, but rather to come in from the side or behind and take out key targets. He can also split push effectively due to his speed and mobility. It is important to maximize Rat's abilities to outplay your opponents and make it difficult for them to catch you. Communication with your team and effective use of your ultimate ability can be key in securing objectives and winning games.



Rat is a unique and fun character to play in League of Legends. His hit-and-run playstyle can be challenging to master, but it can also be incredibly rewarding once you get the hang of it. Remember to focus on building attack speed and crit chance, mastering all of Rat's abilities, and playing strategically on the battlefield. If done correctly, you could become an unstoppable Rat player who dominates the game.



