
2023-05-01 14:20:01投单

In the gaming world, They Are Billions has proven to be a popular strategy game with its zombie-infested post-apocalyptic world. In this game, players must build and defend settlements from hordes of infected. This article will explore the game's mechanics and provide tips for players to survive the onslaught of zombies.

The Basics of They Are Billions

Players start the game with a small group of survivors and a command center. They must gather resources and build structures to create a self-sustaining colony while defending against waves of zombie attacks. The game is won by maintaining a thriving colony for a specified number of days.

Players have two resources to manage: gold and energy. Gold is used to construct and upgrade buildings, train units, and research technology. Energy is generated by building power plants and is necessary to power buildings and defenses.


Defending Your Colony

To defend against zombies, players must build walls and set up traps. Walls provide a barrier between the zombies and the colony, while traps can slow down or eliminate them completely. Different types of units can be trained to patrol the walls and defend the colony.

Players should also pay attention to the noise level their colony creates. Noise attracts zombies, so building too close to a horde or using noisy structures can spell disaster. If a wave of zombies breaches the colony, players can use the command center to activate a temporary shield to protect the colony.


Tips for Surviving They Are Billions

Firstly, players should prioritize building defenses early on in the game. Walls should be set up as soon as possible, and traps should be placed in strategic locations.

Secondly, players should scout the area around the colony to identify potential threats and resources. Resources can be scarce, so it's essential to seize opportunities to gather them.

Finally, players should research new technologies to improve their colony's defenses and infrastructure. Upgrades to walls and units will help players survive the increasingly difficult waves of zombies.


In Conclusion

They Are Billions is an extremely challenging game that requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Players must manage their resources wisely and construct a strong defense against the relentless waves of zombies. By following the tips outlined in this article, players can better navigate the post-apocalyptic world and emerge victorious.



